Bitwise Evolution

Musings of a Portland-area hacker bent on improving digital lifestyles.

mt.el: Posting From Emacs

MT + Emacs + Markdown & Geshi?

Is it possible? We’re here to find out :) I just got around to installing ml.el in emacs, and this post is essentially a test to see if markdown syntax will work (and round-trip to Movable Type and back to emacs – it seems to come from mt correctly…).

Source code:

transcode-language: java
public class TestClass{

    * test
    public static void main(String[] args){
      // ...

Well, not quite.

Everything seems to work, aside from the <pre …> tags I use for code formatting with geshi. I’ll have to look into a way of incorporating that with some existing markdown formatting trick.

Ah-ha! The MT Geshi plugin I’m using (transcode) expects code blocks to be in the following format:

  &lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt;transcode-language: language

Markdown turns all consistantly indented regions into <pre><code>..</code></pre> blocks, so all you have to do is to start each code block with the (somewhat ugly) transcode-language: lang line. It’s taken out by transcode, so the source will show up w/out it. Next task: Add an emacs filter to turn <code lang=”lang“>… into the above mentioned indentation/transcode syntax.